Yet Another Coding Blog

Coupling Meta-programming Concepts with Mass Assignment

In one of the lessons in the Flatiron curriculum, we learned a little bit about mass assignment–that is, assigning instance variables dynamically based on data instead of explicitly defining each one individually. For instance (pun intended), say we have a Character class, and each instance of a character contains a hash called properties, with different attributes associated with each property based on the character.

Hackifying the Tic-Tac-Toe With AI Project Tests

Ok, don’t hate me, but I used the #instance_variable_set method in my latest Flatiron lab.

Why I Decided to Become a Software Developer

Well, I’m not… yet. I’m 3 months into an 8-12 month bootcamp, working full time (not as a developer), with no prior development experience. So what makes me so sure I’m going to be a software developer? That all starts with how I became interested in the subject in the first place.